Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Gillette Brush

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Beating Poverty and Globalization

Under the flag of charity many type of loads go overseas.

Is the prime goal of globalization and sweatshops bringing a higher quality of life?
Has corporate responsibility anything to do with it?
We can use statistics to prove what we want to prove.
Maybe we feel more comfortable when people become numbers, and inequality is shown in indexes and maps.
Looking to the numbers and the maps, makes us being involved and concerned (!), giving a better feeling?

But the map is not the territory, and the numbers are just prints on paper or pixels on a screen.
There - on the field - hunger and starvation is still the shameful beating reality.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Making Money with Hidden Dimensions

The term dimensions causes confusion. First it is used as a xyz-coordination system to calculate or position points or objects in the 3D-world or in the virtual CAD-CAM world. Everybody understands that, no? Einstein made it slightly more complicated by calling Time a fourth dimension.
But at the same time "dimensions" are used to describe hidden positions, fields or branes in - imaginary or mathematical - "space". Now that is confusion, isn't it?

String theory
is a nice example. Next to our 3D-world, plus its dynamic component "Time" - being a fourth dimension - making together a 4D-world, the stringists figured out that there are six compactified dimensions in the Calabi-Yau spaces. That makes ten dimensions, but some stringists say there are 11 where other say there are more than 30!
Actually, String theory lost much of it's popularity. The newest trend in now Loop Quantum Gravity. Haha. Lee Smolin, using the Big Bounce is just rephrasing the concept Buddhism claims for thousands of years. New wine in old sack! But the guy gets paid for it, and yes, indeed, money ... is another dimensional gate, opening many other dimensions.

Since hidden dimensions are not taking part of our 3D (4D) World, I think, another, new word should be invented. What about himensions or limensions?

Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Pumpkin Connection

The Pumpkin sucks all information about you ... to serve you personally and protect your freedom!

Knowing the secret source codes of almost any electronic device used in the World - making any personal password obsolete - the Pumpkin has unlimited access to enter your computer on-line while you type, look or read. The Pumpkin can collect information from any network and database worldwide, and from any government in the World that uses US-software. Your full medical history, personal records, financial records, professional records, shopping history, your political, social and sexual preferences, blacklists, all is accessible.

Your mobility, social network and habits are stored by trace and tracking your credit cards, access cards, shopping cards, membership cards and mobile phone(s), and your license plate by public or private camera networks. All your communications over electronic networks (telephone, email, chats, SMS, Website history) is recorded and stored. Your unique voice frequencies are recorded and can be uploaded to tracing filters.

The Pumpkin knows more about you than you know about yourself. While you forget due to overload of information, the Pumpkin don't.
All these data can be processed by data mining to make predictions about your behavior, your emotions, your profile, ... and to calculate the social, criminal or political risk you might represent. If you plan a Potemkin uprise against the Pumpkin forget it. It has a tremendous sense in proprioception and flexibitity in regeneration, and has a lot of hidden seeds.
Your data can be changed instantaneous, and even your voice-data can be reprogrammed to make "your voice" speak certain sentences you never would think about.

But what is the prime goal of the Pumpkin? It's spin doctors say: "We need all your data to guarantee your privacy, give you more security, and protect your freedom and the democracy. Heil Pumpkin! Heil Freddy".

Saturday, October 20, 2007